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The Balances of Life

The more we learn about the conditions under which life is possible, the more remarkable it seems that life as we know it can exist at all. Consider, for example, some of the many delicate balances in nature which are vital for life on earth:

The distance of our earth from the sun is one of those balance points. Were the earth as much as 5 percent closer to the sun, or merely 1 percent further away, scientists calculate that life on earth would be impossible. The danger, they believe, would come from a run-away “greenhouse” effect if we were too close to the sun, or alternatively, run-away glaciation if we were too far away. Just as greenhouses accumulate heat, so it is believed that a closer earth would have built up a thick atmosphere and a high temperature surface as, indeed, our neighboring planet Venus has done. As for glaciation, it is widely known that the earth has already survived a major crisis some thousands of years ago, when glaciers overspread about 10 percent of the earth. “Some estimates indicate that the earth was within one-tenth of a degree (F) in average temperature from becoming… too glaciated for life to continue,” according to a popular scientific writer. (Robert M. Powers, “The Coattails of God,” Warner Communications, N.Y., 1981, p. 106-107)

There are many other critical balance points. For instance, it is estimated that if the earth rotated on its axis at much less than its actual 1,000 miles per hour, each segment would alternatively be too long exposed to the sun’s heat and then too long deprived of it; and would, therefore, burn and freeze in daily succession. Vegetation could not live in such a condition.

Again, if our moon were much closer to the earth, its tidal force would cause twice-daily flooding of the earth’s continents.

Still another critical balance point is the depth of our atmosphere. If it were much thinner, many of the meteorites which constantly bombard the earth would blaze through to the surface, starting fires and causing other great damage. As it is, the vast proportion burn up harmlessly in the air.

There is another type of bombardment from space, of which we are hardly aware – for cosmic rays are invisible and undetectable by our unaided senses. Yet life would probably be impossible if we were not protected from their deadly effect by a thin layer of ozone in our upper atmosphere.

Still another balance point is the wonderful relationship between plant and animal life which provides just the right amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air. Animals must have oxygen to breathe, and then they exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product. Plants require this carbon dioxide to support their life processes; and give off oxygen in return. It it were not for this marvelous replenishment of each substance, neither the plant nor animal kingdom could long continue.

Also contributing to this essential balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the amount of water in our oceans and seas. It is estimated that if they were a few feet deeper than they are, the greater volume of water would absorb so much of both the oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air that life could not exist. (From Dr. A. Cressy Morrison, former president of the New York Academy of Science, quoted April 16, 1985.)

On the other hand, we are dependent upon the oceans not only as a vital source of water vapor for rain, but also upon their capacity to store and distribute heat, thus greatly moderating extremes of weather around the world.

These are only some of the critical balance points which make life on earth possible. What are the chances that all these “just happened?” Probably not nearly as good as the chances of a tornado accidentally assembling all the thousands of parts of a modern jet airliner, merely blowing across a junk yard which contained all the disassembled parts!

All are free to believe in that sort of statistical monstrosity if they wish. But we believe the evidence clearly shows that life is not an accident at all, but the deliberate creation of One who knew exactly what He was doing. If we meditate on this, we will be led to, “…Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” (Job 37:14)

(Scripture is quoted from the World English Bible translation.)