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Fitting and Orderly

We have a saying, “Your actions speak so loud I can’t hear what you say.” What we mean by this is that we will not believe someone unless their words match what they do. If there is a difference in what someone says and what they do, we label them as inconsistent or hypocritical. It is also true that when there is a difference between actions and words, we believe the actions provide a better measure of a person than his words.

This has some unfortunate consequences. All too often, we judge a person by our first impression of him. And, we form that impression by what we see him doing. However, the truth is that none of us is at our best all of the time. We all do things which would give a wrong impression to someone who didn’t know us. We all do things which are easy for those who do not know us to misunderstand. There are probably many people who have formed a wrong opinion about us because of what they saw us do. They are now unwilling to listen to what we might have to say because they have already made up their minds about us. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that sometimes we have also done the same thing to others.

Those of us who follow Christ have an obligation to set a good example to others. Our character and our lives should draw others to Christ. Our telling them about Jesus will have little effect – or even turn people away from Him – unless our actions are in harmony with what we proclaim.

With that in mind, what do people see when they visit our homes? Do they see anger and bickering, or do they witness a family in which the members love and care about each other? Do they witness chaos, confusion and sloppiness, or do they see tidy, clean and well-ordered, yet comfortable living spaces?

We can ask the same question about our churches. The Apostle Paul took the church at Corinth to task because their assemblies were confused and disorderly. The church members were arguing and taking each other to court, rather than displaying love and forbearance toward each other. During their assemblies everyone tried to speak at once instead of listening to each other. They emphasized speaking in languages nobody understood instead of giving instruction which would help people live for Christ. Paul asked them what an unbeliever or someone who did not understand would think if he witnessed their assembly. Would he not conclude that Christ’s followers were crazy (1 Corinthians 14:23)?

Paul wrote that instead of promoting chaos, everything done in the assembly should be for the strengthening of the church (1 Corinthians 14:26). The goal was that everyone would be instructed and encouraged (1 Corinthians 14:31). He pointed out that, “…God is not a God of disorder but of peace…” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV) He concluded by saying that, “…everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” (1 Corinthians 14:40 NIV)

What about our church assemblies? Does the way we act and conduct ourselves as a church encourage people to listen to what we have to say, or do our actions turn people away from hearing our message about Christ? Are our assemblies orderly? Are people encouraged and instructed when they attend?